Scones- Afternoon tea

Well, I had to have any excuse to use my new teacup and saucer. 🙂

This is from the Spode Woodland range and was a treat to myself.

On a whim I made scones. I have never done so, and I did not have the lovely fluted scone cutters that make the iconic shape, but I used instead an egg ring.

I made plain; sultana scones and then added some fresh blueberries to some just because they were there.

Baby-G ate his plain. Husband-G ate his with butter and jam. I ate mine with butter and rhubarb jam. We did not have any cream but it did not matter.

This was the recipe I followed. It came out perfectly.

Afternoon tea – cucumber sandwiches.

A wonderful way to share my first ever home-grown cucumber, thanks to cucumber plants kindly given to me by ROD from ROD’s Island Life.

These sandwiches are classically English. Fresh white bread, pure unsalted butter and thinly sliced cucumber. A tiny splash of salt.

Baby-Gusto pointed out that he hates sandwiches and so he had his just sliced with some cherry tomatos. I also added some crisps on the side as a it of a treat for him. This seems to be a peculiarly UK thing….sandwiches with crisps on the side. Very normal here but I had never come across it before. Even now after 12 years in the UK I cannot quite tolerate sandwiches and crisps eaten together.

This was a lovely and relaxed afternoon tea on a sunny Sunday. H-G had Lapsang Souchong tea and I had chamomile. We all just sat in quiet, largely silent, companionship for nearly an hour. H-G perused a gardening magazine; B-G examined the innards of a new board game and I started reading Middlemarch.

Utter bliss.